Equal through faith. (Galatians 3:23-4:7)

2 years ago

Much of what I had to say today speaks for itself and I don't really know what to add, if anything, in the chat here. I know well that missing verse 28 has caused a lot of problems. It's lead to a lot of division, a lot of destruction, and a lot of pain. "You are all one in Christ JESUS." We are all one in HIM. Means the petty, childish, squabbles, we don't get to behave like children any more to deal with. Fun though it may be to stamp our feet scream and shout, a pity party is one of those childish things we should probably be doing away with. Growing up from milk and honey to meat and potato faith. Faith that grows as any relationship does, by spending time together. Intent-full time even if it's is spent doing, "nothing".
I don't know for sure if it will be Genesis, we will see Monday as the shorts get more traffic and I really would like to have conversations on this stuff, thinking about putting together a discord server for it as well as a way to dig into it. Views are nice. Talking about real and getting made right, that's where my heart is. (Socratic teaching not standing and talking at)

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