when enough people call you a prophet...

2 years ago

how many has it been now
i enjoy this i really do
the battery of this light, not the car battery
2005 mini cooper, tiny like me
i hate this chord progression
if sumin happens w/ me...
delusions of grandieur? possibly maybe
my way of looking at things is inspirational i guess
contemplate the shittiness of everything
pissing people off is good
would never wanna be ya boring ass
we forgets! always n forever
good i forgot that chord progression
the whole point of the internet is
you have to agree with me here
pay attention to the way "people" behave
no i don't have asbergers
you know nothing about mental illness
"mental illness" making boring people uncomfortable
frustrating to have to explain this so...
i can't even explain it to mentally ill people either
lack of responsibility/accountability
the assumptions that they make about us
i have tried it your way, it's dumb
why would you do that if you don't want a fambly
my car light just agrees w/ me
the sexually obsessed culture+intimacy issues
it's not like i can't get off, i just don't want to
i disconnect when i'm supposed to be connected
suicide over poon tang
how is this gonna be good for you again
fuck that bitch anyway haha
why do people torture themselves, i will never understand it
emotional exit, self-fulfilling prophecy, eunuch
would rather devote myself to higher pursuits
God is way better than sex

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