Snow Bros: Nick & Tom Special Physical & Digital Coming To Switch

2 years ago

In this episode, we discuss Snow Bros. Nick & Tom Special for the Nintendo Switch.

One of the most expensive games for the NES is a late release from Taoplan, I'm of course talking about Snow Bros. This challenging puzzle game, in the same design style as Bubble Bobble, stars Nick and Tom, two snowmen trying to save a princess. The physical version can sell for over $1000 complete-in-box, which puts it out of the reach of many. The original publishers are back, and they've partnered with Clear River Games and Limited Run Games in the USA to release Snow Bros: Nick & Tom Special!

This is not a remaster or re-release of the original, instead, it is a new entry into the universe featuring 80-levels in all. There is also a new Monster Challenge mode, where you take control over an enemy monster - each with its own moves and controls - which opens up a new way to experience the game

Snow Bros. Nick & Tom Special will roll onto the Nintendo Switch™ after 30 years as the heroes Nick and Tom return for snowball-throwing action. Developed by CRT Games, the modern version of the classic 1990 arcade classic features updated visuals, remixed music, and 30 new levels, bringing the total of stages to 80.

Snow Bros. Nick & Top Special will be available in both a physical version and a digital download from the Nintendo eShop on the Switch. The physical version includes the Monster Challenge DLC and will contain an instruction manual with three sticker sheets. T

The Collector’s Edition of Snow Bros. Nick & Tom Special will be available through Limited Run Games and includes:

● Nintendo Switch Game Card
● Detailed Instruction Manual
● Three Sticker Sheets Featuring Game Characters
● Nick and Tom Plush Figures
● Replica Retro Arcade Flyer
● Deluxe Acrylic Keychain
● Collectible Enamel Pin
● Stress Snowball
● Exclusive Artbook
● Game Soundtrack

MSRP: $89.99

About the game:
The peaceful Snow Land is under attack by King Artich who has cursed the twin princes by turning them into snowmen. With their beloved princesses abducted and their homeland under attack, Nick and Tom must journey their way to save Puripuri and Puchipuchi, remove the curse, and restore their kingdom.

Up to two players will journey through the classic mode which will take you through dozens of stages full of puzzles, action, and vicious monsters to turn into snowballs and send them crashing!

A new mode has been created for this latest addition to the cult classic - Monster Challenge. Here you take control over an enemy monster - each with its own moves and controls - which opens up a new way to experience the game!

#SnowBros #NintendoSwitch #VideoGames

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