What are the benefits of Functional Testing?

2 years ago

What are the benefits of Functional Testing?

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Dr. Jaban Moore: https://drjabanmoore.com/

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Genova NutrEval® FMV: https://justinhealth.com/products/genova-nutreval-fmv

Full podcast here: https://youtu.be/vbI7XQk8mx4

Almost anyone can benefit from functional medicine testing. It explores underlying causes of poor health rather than focusing on disease symptoms. Functional medicine testing is appropriate for anyone who wants to understand how all the factors in life contribute to or diminish overall vitality.

In this video, Dr J and Jaban discuss the advantage of functional testing and how you can utilize it to design specific treatment strategies for individual patients.

Gluten Video Series: http://www.justinhealth.com/gluten-video-series
Thyroid Hormone Balance Video Series: http://www.justinhealth.com/thyroid-hormone-balance
Female Hormone Balance Video Series: http://www.justinhealth.com/female-hormone-balance
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