How to Heal Back Pain and Live Longer with Stem Cell Therapy

2 years ago
5.54K (833) 445-9089
Hi, I’m Venus and I'm the real boss at dream body clinic. I did my back treatment today. I have a problem in my neck is like it's straighter than it should be. So, it always causes inflammation and pain. I have to take muscle relaxers pretty often to get rid of that. Mesenchymal stem cells won’t fix that because it's a mechanic problem, but they do help to relieve the pain a lot.
I did this almost a year ago and it helped a lot with the pain and to get by. So I'm doing it again. I also did my lower back because, you know, having kids running around all the time, it like can be tough. So if you want to learn more get a hold of us a or call us at 833 445 9089. Thanks.

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