Revenge - Being Dad with Phil Lower, August 29, 2022

2 years ago

Something I struggle with is my natural human tendency to want to see evil people and organizations, that hurt those I love, destroyed in the most painful way possible.

We make comparisons to mothers being mama bears when fighting for their kids. If you’ve ever seen a bear eat, they go for the soft belly and groin of their prey to devour the organ meat and kill their prey quickly.

The news has reported many times that a dad has encountered a person abusing their son or daughter and that dad either killing or beating the attacker to the point of death or great bodily injury. Typically, they are not prosecuted because of the regard for defense that good parents are held to.

Revenge against the demonic is not to be provided with ice cream and cake. You fight the demonic with appropriate power and authority.

It is the act of controlling one’s own failures and bad habits that can be overcome when you are willing. Discipline, self-control, personal responsibility will all help you become a better Dad and Mom.

Revenge against your personal weakness is the greatest victory because you strengthen yourself, then your family, then those around you and your community.

The sweetest revenge is a dish served cold. When you overcome something that has been plaguing you for a long time, that is truly sweet.

Thoughts from Romans 12:21 Amplified Bible translation

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