CRAZY and DEMONIC😱This woman claims to be married to the Ghost of Michael (Jackson Kathleen Robert)

2 years ago

Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12
"10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
1 1Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD... "

If you can’t stop humming or dancing to “BEAT IT” or “THRILLER” to the point of thinking you’re possessed by Michael Jackson’s demons, well you’re not the only one.
Here is a much more serious case, that of the American Kathleen Roberts who claims to be married to the ghost of Michael Jackson who mainly wants to use her as a vehicle to eat cookies.

Kathleen Roberts, psychic according to her, who claims to be Marilyn Monroe reincarnated, thinks she is married to the ghost of the king of pop.
According to an article she wrote for the Daily Star, Roberts claimed that Jackson’s ghostly presence has no sex with her; however, he likes to use his earthly body to dance, sing and eat.
At the same time with this video, she revealed that the singer of "BILLIE JEAN" had proposed her "pink engagement ring" through clairvoyance. She also claimed in the article that they had their wedding celebrated by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as she came out of a bathtub.
She says Michael Jackson feels very comfortable inside her — using his body to sing, dance and snack on cookies.
But to his great disappointment, she says he doesn’t seem interested in consuming their marriage. Sex she says is never on the menu
"Michael stays inside me all the time, so he comes to the bathroom with me and calls these special bonding moments ""toiletry items,"" Roberts wrote of Jackson, who passed away in June 2009 at age 50 from cardiac arrest. "He stays possessed in me (relaxed, doesn't channel and just loves to live through me and communicate with me as husband). "
She continued: "So he likes to eat inside me. He loves the cookies He does too much cussing, way more than I expected, as a former fan. Roberts also admitted that his supernatural senses had already been confused with schizophrenia, which, by the way, is nothing more than a demonic possession.
She also explained that the (allegedly) pop music icon "doesn't like to be touched back". The clairvoyant added: "He scares me with visions of spiders and visions of corpses if I kiss him or try to physically initiate romance." "
"He's very authoritarian and points out things like the flaws and mistakes that I make." I guess he gets that from his father, so I try to ignore him because I love him and I'm not perfect either," Roberts said.
Roberts also wrote that she “feels special” that Jackson “choose” her to be his wife, they “treat our relationship as if we were married.” We have our ups and downs but Michael the truth is I can't stop loving you.

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