2 years ago

In Episode 70, KK and Cat do a two part study to answer the question “Is Building the Kingdom of God on Earth Scriptural?” In the first half of the episode, they discuss the purpose of God’s chosen people, the Israelites…why they were chosen and how this race of people is so important in understanding Bible prophecy. The girls felt that this was necessary because part of this movement to build the Kingdom of God on Earth involves Replacement Theology where many in the modern day Church believe that the Church has replaced Israel as God’s chosen elect and must usher in His Kingdom here. Does the Bible confirm or deny this idea? In the second half of the episode, KK and Cat rewind time to the early 1900’s where there was an organized agenda to not only infiltrate the universities, but also the Church in order to sway people toward the idea of world governance. This one world government would be under the banner of the “Kingdom of God on Earth”, a utopia where every aspect of society is conformed to this idea. They talk about the big players then and those who the torch has been passed onto today in order to fulfil this goal. Are these individuals working on God’s behalf or are they really fulfilling Bible prophecy about the Antichrist Beast System? Join the girls in their search for answers to these many questions.

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