2 years ago

Dr. O's SHOCK DOC COMEDY routine at GATEWAY TO FREEDOM even in Illinois. FREE SPEECH matters because sticks and stones may break my bones but words can NEVER hurt me!

so imagine Alice Cooper SHOCK ROCK combined with Andrew Dice Clay's SHOCK expletive comedy routine....

the point of this is a radical attempt to break the PCovid Cult BRAINWASHING that dominates the world...

For the Christians who want to condemn this bc the "bible says not to cuss"....well the simple reality is the words FUCK and RETARD are NEVER mentioned in the bible.....not one time....claiming Jesus doesn't want us to say words that did not exist when he was alive is a bit absurd...

"curse words" is a reference to CURSES used by witches and warlocks....

so I don't think Jesus cares if I use this strategy to break brainwashing if it helps save lives.....
Lastly I admit I may be wrong so AFTER we win this war I will repent for feeling the need to make this expletive filled video...

***after 100+years of psychological research it is a proven fact that using EXPLETIVES helps to break through the PCovid Cult BRAINWASHING which is the most successful BRAINWASHING of all time as proven by the fact that it just convinced over 5 BILLION people to all take POISON death shots disguised as a "vaXXXine"

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