Three fifths of my family Disappeared.

2 years ago

I know we all struggle. But the only struggle I truly know, is my own. I grow in experience, and with Knowledge- a heavier burden of reality is discovered, every time, for me.

I love My life. But it could have been easier, much easier. It sure could have been more difficult too. One thing for sure, that no one can take away, is the memory of being loved unconditionally. I wish I could remember that emotion from My Dad, or anyone from his side of my family.

Cherish your people, rekindle the kindness and Love whenever possible. This is a priority of our time. it's the only thing we leave behind in this world, that matters. Keep your Turbo World!

Recorded by Austin Atwood
Audio Engineer: Justin Francis
Mastering Engineer: Jordan Scheider
Camera 1: Mike Reuther
Camera 2: Sean Brna
Camera 3: Michael Moen
Camera 4: Allen Ralph
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Nose On The Grindstone (OurVinyl Sessions)
Tyler Childers, OurVinyl
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Stem Distributions LLC. (on behalf of OurVinyl TV, Inc.); BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., Audiam (Publishing), LatinAutor - PeerMusic, PEDL, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, CMRRA, LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, Abramus Digital, Warner Chappell, LatinAutorPerf, and 3 Music Rights Societies

Original version and video in Link below.

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