A social platform review, GOOGLE $257B a year Industry?

2 years ago

As a social media reviewer and social media creator, I Love You tube, I really do, an all the things it has brought. I dislike the way they selectively bypass their own protocols, and federal laws, to benefit those massive pockets.
My digital copyrighted creation is protected by fair use act as an exception of copyright, combined with a learning sequence, parody bits, and in full a review of social media platforms and the abuse the creators endure. Education, News, Review, are all exceptions of fair use that this video represents.
I question why these platforms on the internet have shifted their concentration on controlling all the conversations the past four years. When there is no law holding these platforms down and forcing them to censor you and me. But they sure would have you believe that it's not the platforms idea to censor you or I, but in fact it is the platforms idea. Because all the platforms make money. They make money by taking money from huge corporations to , lets just say, hush anything you say that may be harmful to selling their products, or services. Or maybe that company has a special interest in controlling a group of people as well for an upcoming election. The possibilities are endless of ways to receive payment when you are directly controlling who holds the microphone in the conversation, and how anyone else reacts to it. That already is a virtual world folks, when you steer folks from facts to fiction, no matter the reason.
All censorship is ,is paid advertisement. If you have gotten censored, someone paid to shut your post down, someone paid to keep your words to barely a whisper although you are screaming at the top of your lungs and the content slaps hard. None of this matters. What matters is what that platform received funds to Take or remove freedoms from you, and to force feed you, and then enforce coding and rules and process to degrade your worth, your value, to the conversation on the platforms that everyone else is allowed to have. But just not you. Your value has been established as null, void. Now sit in your corner.
But wait, you may say" I signed up to keep in touch with everyone for free, and it would always be free". Does that mean free as in freedom to speak or does that mean free as in we wouldn't have to pay for it? Great question! Because right now, Honestly and matter of factly , we all know both to be a falsehood.
These platforms cost us money to connect to and waste our money in productivity when they hook us in. Then they tell us to spend money while telling us not to talk about that, then send the most negative post of the day to the top of our feed to trigger us. Then tell us we cant share, say or have a conversation about that.
Sure that's great for society, and free asf too. Sounds like the worst case of passive aggressive corporate sponsored greed abuse I have seen on numerous platforms to date.
The data is why they do it to us. Google, and YouTube are the same company, you tube half, made $28 billion profit, in just one year, 2021. Meta is almost 4 times bigger. And all people do on fb is talk and share. Meta reported $85.96 billion in revenue in 2020. Ah but hold up, lets look closer at google. According to google "After a record-breaking 2021 with annual revenue of $257 billion — the first time it has gone over $200 billion for a year — Google's parent company reports in a filing (pdf) that it has started off 2022 with Q1 revenue that's up 23 percent from the same period last year, reaching $68 billion."
Well Google sure did squash that!
A lot of people pay a lot of money to boost their creations. A lot of folks and businesses pay big money to be at the top of that search engine. But honestly this blew my mind. I had no idea they were that massively rich. Again, where is the philanthropy with Google. With that type of earnings what problem is there out there that google couldn't throw money at and solve? $257 billion. I want you to just write that number down so you can get an perspective of it real quick, just do it. Now imagine if you had been given that massive amount to help the world be a better place for our children, what would you do?
A platform that is free and always will be. They are making 4 times more money censoring people speech than you tube makes violating's peoples fair use act and copyrights, but fb does that too!
These are the big corp tyrants that have gotten paid penny's on the dollar to make software that controls societies Strategic way of buying, and all the narratives in life up to that point. Me, you, we all have been played. Those who refuse to admit it, are just too ashamed. Society will drown unless the Censored rise up, those are the good people. The people that risk staying in touch with their family and friends, The people that get stuffed into the big empty rooms for time outs because these platforms aren't rubber or glue and what I say may not bounce off them so they make sure to screw.

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