@Kendra G TRIFLING LIZZO SIZED Woman Makes Her Quit! #187

2 years ago

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@Kendra G Original Video!👇👇🏾
Single Mom looking for a new man while the man she just slept with is still in her home

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Thank you from THPP Network!
Grover & Scott T.

0:00 She got needs!
1:30 Kendra G almost quits!
3:30 Patrice Rating Scale
6:30 What she has to offer?
8:05 Putting herself out there. Literally.
11:50 Law of Attraction is Magic Manifesting?
12:50 The Bottomline: Internet is Forever

@Kendra G almost quits after dealing with this modern woman wanting to find a man on Kendra G's show, but has a guy she just slept with LIVE on Kendra G's show at the same time. Make this make sense! Kenda G titled her video, "Single Mom looking for a new man while the man she just slept with is still in her home" from the original video title "The guest that made me consider ending my show altogether…" shows how close she was to quitting her dating show from this delusional person.

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