Focus on Fauci - Kennedy, Martin, Mikovits, Galati, Stone, 5 Jan 2021

2 years ago

Focus on Fauci - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr David Martin, Dr Judy Mikovits, Dr Rocco Galati, Sacha Stone
This was a 2+ hour live stream broadcast on 5 January 2021 covering some of the history of Anthony Fauci's long reign in the public health administration sector.

Selected excerpts:

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: I am going to talk to you a little bit about Tony Fauci. Tony Fauci has been for 50 years at NIH [National Institute of Health], that makes him kind of the J Edgar Hoover of the NIH. Hoover lasted at the FBI for that long, about 50 years, by forming close relationships with powerful entities in the society. A lot of them were criminal entities and a lot of them were powerful politicians. But Tony Fauci has used many of those techniques for staying in power at NIH.

People at NIH who buck the system, who stand up to pharmaceutical companies, who get in the way of them developing drugs and pushing their products to the American public or who find fault in those products, don’t last very long at NIH. In the wake of, alas, of the pharmaceutical takeover of NIH there are a lot of really heroic people, wonderful scientists like John Anthony Morris, like Bernice Eddy, like Judy Mikovits who you heard this morning, all of them who have been forced out of that Agency because they told the truth, because they stood up to the pharmaceutical interests. Tony Fauci has lasted because he was willing to carry water for those interests....

What irritates me a lot is when I see Joe Biden and other people who are leading the Democratic party constantly say “We need to trust the experts” because as you know I’ve fought hundreds of law suits in my time and in every law suit and every trial that I’ve ever had there are experts on both sides and they’re both equally convincing. And that’s why when we go to a doctor we get a second opinion. Doctors and experts should not be running our democracy. We don’t allow that. We don’t say we are going to appoint an expert and then we are going to just trust everything he says. That is not democratic. That’s how totalitarian regimes work....

Part of democracy is, when my uncle had the Cuban missile crisis, the experts were in the room—virtually everybody wanted—of the 13 people that he had assembled as his experts—virtually every one of them with the exception of my father and Bob McNamara wanted to drop nuclear bombs on Cuba. If that had happened we now know that the missiles in Cuba that the Russian had there were already armed and that the individuals who were running those sites had independent authority to launch if they found themselves under attack.

We would have obliterated the world. We would have had nuclear winter. We would have destroyed the planet. My uncle said I want to see the aerial photographs myself. And he questioned the experts. And he made them explain things to him and he got both sides of the story and he brought in the best people to criticize them. And he made that investigation separately. He didn’t just trust the experts and say the military and CIA are telling me they know this area and they are telling me to bomb. You don’t do that. The job of a politician is to take advice from experts, to respect them and respect expertise. But you don’t let them run the country.

You question them and you try and figure out—listen, Tony Fauci, even if he is the best expert in the world, okay, on epidemiology or on pathogenic proliferation, let’s say he knows more than anybody and he can predict exactly how many people are going to die depending on masks and lockdowns—he has no expertise in the economy. How many people are going to die when you shut down the economy? When you close 60 million businesses? When you obliterate the social safety net? When you starve—there are 10 thousand children dying a month in Africa because of a lockdown....

Rocco Galati: My takeaway—springing from something that Robert said about freedom of speech—as a Constitutional Lawyer, when I am asked “What do you do?” I simply in a word say to them “I protect human attributes and humanity.” The framers of the U.S. Constitution had it right when they talked about inalienable rights, meaning the rights that were given to you by your Creator, even if you believe your creator is just your mother.

And so, they’re suppressing our freedom to think. If you can think, but can’t speak, your freedom of thought is useless. If you can speak but can’t associate, your freedom of speech is useless. If you can associate but can’t assemble, your freedom of association is useless. So they are one unbroken—although we break them down for analytical purposes—these Constitutional Rights that are attached to the person, are human attributes and this whole Covid agenda has done in lockstep everything it can do, or try to do, to dehumanize us.

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