Constantiam: Attacking Election Bases [ft. Hyperion and Allies]

2 years ago

A guy named Vunq based with some newfags at a spawnbase they created. For almost a month he decided on 9/11 he give the coordinates to FallsGreen. Falls kills himself to spawn. Vunq gears him up, then both travel to the location. They get to the portal and Vunq goes first. FallsGreen waits for further instruction of when to go in.Vunq returns to overworld in a cave. Swims above meets up with the lame mates. FallsGreen is waiting patiently for the order. Vunq says go but waits... then go.... then wait...FallsGreen says f%ck it.


A grandma on her last pennies named momana had her last ticket with her base mates. And later gives it up the coords to FallsGreen a week before the grief. FallsGreen later sees the back and forth with the two thru imgur screenshot library. Giving more reason to go with it. acid88 travels to the base in 1 day. Week later... FallsGreen griefed a spawnbase by Fornicator and decides to just take out x0XP base while he’s at it. Brings along the Hyperion squad. Netherrite, Vunq, Yeetmane, and Lakazookie. Once momana logged on with her alt littilbit, she gave FallsGreen a bit of TNT because he was a poorfag. Mean while Netherrite comes thru and receives more TNT for the rest of the crew. momana logs off not wanting to be apart of the destruction. But griefs a little bit... :) Lakazookie shows up and then Vunq in a raven to gather up the TNT to blow this sucker to the ground. They wait for Yeetmane to show up. A troll spews thru Lakazookie saying there is ''soooooooo much loot'' and Netherrite says ''2,000 Axes'' Yeetmane believes it . . .Yeetmane shows up. They take a screenshot. You know the rest.

Unique - I M UNTOUCHABLE (ultra rare 1989)
Leak Bros - Gimmiesumdeath
Elevator Music - Elevator Music
Kodak Black - Already (and earrape)
Axelay - 19 Return to mother

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