City of Port Townsend Orders Police Stand Down as Liberal Terrorist Assault Community Members.

2 years ago

City of Port Townsend Incites Violence, and Issues Order for Police to Stand Down. Footage of Police Refusing to HELP as Antifa, Pride, TRA and other Port Townsend Liberals beat us into a brick ground and a brick wall.

City of Port Townsend Incites Violence, Orders Police Stand Down as Liberal Terrorist Assault Community Members.

Port Townsend Police Abandon 35 People Attacked by PRIDE, TRA and Antifa and the City of Port Townsend Issued a Stand Down Order to Stand There and Watch us Burn.

City of Port Townsend Incites Violence, and Issues Order for Police to Stand Down. Footage of Police Refusing to HELP as Antifa, Pride, TRA and other Port Townsend Liberals beat us into a brick ground and a brick wall.

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