In Jesus Name

2 years ago

In Jesus Name
I am so excited about doing this video with my Granddaughter Alainna. She is just about to turn 12 years old. Sigh.. She is my youngest Grandchild and loves to come stay with me often.
I love this song and this past Spring her Class at the end of the school year performed it at their end of school program. I cried then and I cried again today watching her as I video taped her. I am so very proud of her. The Lord has blessed us with sending her to an awesome Christian School and her teacher taught many of the classes sign language to do in songs. Very moving!
We've been praying about doing this for several months now and today was the day! We drove down to the lake by our house. The clouds were amazing. It was like He painted the skies just for us to do the video. We prayed when we got there and asked the Holy Spirit to come and anoint the whole thing. She did so good we only did 2 takes. Love this girl!
I thought so much about all of my Warriors who are going through Healing and Deliverance while working on this song.
If you only knew the faith and determination I see in these wonderful brothers and sisters. They will all come out Healed and Delivered and then the Lord is setting them into their Callings and Positions in His last days army. It is such a beautiful experience for me to have the honor of knowing these Special People.
So I'm dedicating it to all you Warriors, this is for you!
I pray that this will bless all of you watching, many of you are going through battles. He is with you and He won't let you go.
If you need help please don't hesitate to message me.
Your all in my prayers
Love, Cecilia 🌷

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