BASES123 Part 3 Elena Danaan How the drawings of 100 Alien Species were made

2 years ago

Elena Danaan's book, 'Alien Races' contains over 100 alien species drawn in extreme detial. How could she get to see and be able recall such extremely intricate deatils of so many of these beings?
AND - more to the point, Bases has interviewed over 4 witnesses who spefically state that her drwaings of what they encountered or met, are CORRECT.
This is extremely important. So in Part 3, I asked her , how did you come to draw such detailed drawings of so many alien species, that others have confirmed are correct.

Later in the interview she talks about her new book, "The Seeders".. This about alien races seeding life across the universes.
She says her life is now in danger, and talks about 'in the event of her death', things will be made more important.

YouTube deleted one of BASES123 the interviews, so this is the full length interview here, of parts 1 ,2 and 3. DOWNLOAD and reload elsewhere!

A censored version, cut short, is being risked on the youtube, ' The Bases Project Censored' site. Obviously YouTube did not like what was said in that interiew, and who knows may be involved in the plot to kill her.

The earlier intervew in May 2022, was delted by YouTube, on the Steeping Stones to awareness site

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