Mesenchymal Stem Cell - Cell Count and Viability Test at Dream Body Clinic

2 years ago
15 (833) 445-9089
Hi. Hey, it's Josh dream by the clinic here with the doctors today, and we are doing another randomized cell count with the cell counter. So first the Doctor here is going to take out the cell so we can show you the total volume.
We're gonna put that onto the slide, which is here in the counter. And then we are going to add Triton blue. The Triton blue is actually going to show the difference in regards to any cell membrane that is perforated has a hole or is broken. We'll fill up with the Triton so we can see which cells are alive, which are dead. All of that. We want to have a real good even space so that you can see this. And then you'll see on the screen, we're gonna pick a few different spots, three or four different spots of what's under the slide so that we can analyze it and show you how many cells are alive and how many are dead. The full cell count.
If you wanna learn more, get ahold of us. It's Or give us a call toll free at (833) 445-9089. I'm Josh. Happy to help.

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