Everything You Need to Know About Mesenchymal Stem Cells

2 years ago

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- Every second 15 million blood cells expire and are replaced because of hematopoietic stem cells
1:15 - Late 1980’s he predicted the MSC. He proved MSCs in the early 1990’s.
- Cartilage in every joint is different. Scientists can determine this with analysis. Knee cartilage is much different from ankle cartilage
- In Vitro MSCs can become cartilage, muscle and fat. Dr. Caplan can make them dance.
- In Vivo MSCs don’t differentiate.
- Key component is that all Tissues with blood vessels have MSCs
- All MSCs are Pericytes (peri vascular cells)
- When injured the MSC sets up a curtain like structure to protect the injury from an overly aggressive immune system. At the same time, they are releasing things on the other side of that curtain to prevent scar formation and regenerative guidance.
- MSCs make a ton of VEGF. MSCs become pericytes again and attach to the new capillaries near injury and regulate blood flow.
- MSCs for heart regeneration don’t become cardiomyocytes, they release medicines to the heart to heal the heart.
- MSC = Medicinal signaling cells
- CD34+ is for hematopoietic stem cells
- CD31+ is for vascular endothelial cells
- Paul Lin PHD thesis he irradiated a rat leg to mimic marrow damage. He injected MSCs with a red dye into the rat. They did a special injection to an artery to bypass the heart and lungs. Within 1 hour you get equal distribution around the body of the rat. It proved that the MSCs went to the injury in the bone marrow of the irradiated leg. Many of the MSCs became Pericytes again in the marrow of the injured leg.
- MSCs dock at sites of injury. They are the natural managers of your innate regenerative potential
- 2014 there were 335 clinic trials. In 2017 there were 707 clinical trials worldwide
- 159 kidney transplants - Tan did the study - When they injected MSCs at the time of taking off the tunicates on the blood vessels of the kidney they got way better results as the MSCs repair any leaks and don’t allow immune rejection
- MSCs make antibiotic proteins (peptide). LL37. An MSCs bumps into a bacteria and releases LL37 which kills the bacteria. hCAP-18/LL37. It also gets a special macrophage to come in and remove the carcass of the bacteria to prevent endotoxin effect. LL37 is called Defensins
- LL37 is in breast milk too and kills bacteria. Also, why women don’t get sepsis when they bleed.
- about 100 studies showing menstrual blood MSCs are nearly identical to bone marrow or fat derived MSCs. Clinics in India provide a service of collecting menstrual blood and culturing MSCs for ladies.
- The MSC doesn’t know where it is at, but it does recognize the surroundings and responds appropriately. It can recognize the microenvironment. If in the heart, then they will send out the correct signals to help the heart.
- MSCs are drug stores for the site of injury
- Stephen Badylak PHD - extra cellular matrix full of cytokines and such. Sprinkles it on amputated fingers and can get a full regeneration of the finger including the fingertip and joints. Can’t put a suture in for this to work. Need a clot.
- Rodrigo Somoza, Diego Correa and Arnold Caplan did a paper for Nature
- Dr. Caplan can take a biopsy of anyone’s skin tissue and determine their age by their vascularity. He can also tell if they have diabetes because of the lack of vascularity being about half of what it should be. He believes vascularity will be vastly important to age health in the future and MSCs help vascularity.

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