Response to why MRIs are baseless and why pain is muscular in 98% of cases. Irrefutable facts!

2 years ago

I had a comment on a post in Reddit which asked for documentation to prove my claim that MRIs are baseless and that the cause of pain in more than 98% of cases is muscular. I was not allowed to post my response for some reason so I decided to make a video presented the response hoping it will be allowed to be posted.

The evidence I providing relates to things such as how correlative theory works, how fact is derived by looking at a hypothesis and null hypothesis, and the relationship between cause and symptoms derived from Hippocrates. This information is indisputable because it sits at the heart of the scientific model of how facts are derived. It doesn't matter whether lots of people say otherwise. They have to present information to dispute what has been used to determine fact since man starting thinking about what is around him.

To be clear, up until the advent of the MRI, these principles had been followed as to how to derive a cause to symptoms. The medical establishment made a calculated determination to move to the MRI as the gold standard to identify the cause of pain with 0 evidence to back up this usage. In fact, the MRI was invented to identify tumors in the brain, not to identify the cause of pain.

I recommend anybody suffering with chronic pain or knows somebody suffering with chronic pain to watch this video. it will open your eyes to why you are in chronic pain and will never see yourself out of it as long as your diagnosis and subsequent treatments come from the use of the MRI. People have committed suicide because they couldn't live another day with their pain. People have lost their jobs. Divorces have arisen and lost relationships with family have occurred because the wrong diagnosis was derived at inception of care and there was no willingness to change course. I implore anybody questioning why they or a loved one is still in pain to watch and have your eyes opened.

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