2 years ago

We are being played for fools. The very ones that claim to care the most are in fact the ones that couldn’t care less. They don’t care about our safety. They don’t care about the practical education of our children. They don’t respect our right to private property. And they don’t believe that we should be recognized as sovereign beings as it would force them to share power. So what do they do? They use psychological manipulation, a contaminated culture and force to re-envision a world where they have and we do not, but we are told we’ll be happy about it 😳. Some fall for it because they are good people who cannot imagine the type of malice needed to destroy society for one’s own gain. Others fall for it because our modern society affords them conveniences they are unwilling to give up even if it costs their own liberty. The rest, however, actually believe with all their heart that there are elite human beings that are above us all and they know best how we should live. These false gods are not all powerful. In fact they are not powerful at all, save the power we grant them. All they truly possess is economic privilege. Privilege that can be attained by anyone able to amass wealth. Don’t be fooled by labeling, this is the same old story that’s found generation to generation throughout recorded human history. Don’t be their useful idiot. Don’t let them use your kindness against you. If you are of the mind to surrender your liberty for a slice of day old bread, don’t expect that I too will make that same sacrifice. Only the truth matters. Only the truth can unify. Only the truth can balance the scales. The truth is; only the nuclear family combined with the values our country was founded on can save us from ourselves and the false idols selling rotten apples in paradise.


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