Whispering Ponies Ranch Camps 2022

2 years ago

Whispering Ponies Ranch is a subsidiary of SkyWatch TV, a non-profit 501 C 3 organization that employs miniature equine and other animals and camping activities to help bring positive mental, physical, emotional, and restorative benefits primarily to children of abuse.

Every year, more than 3.2 million children in America are sex-trafficked, abused, abandoned, or neglected. One in seven Americans are sexually abused as children. Tragically, 1,500 to 2,000 children die each year at the hands of their caretakers. And the remainder are sadly disregarded or experience a combination of these abuses.

But there is hope for many of these victims through the partnership that Whispering Ponies Ranch (WPR) holds with YOU and the Royal Family Kids Camps (RFKC) and Teen Reach organizations. Since 1985, RFKC has been offering week-long specialized restoration camps and follow-up mentoring specifically designed to restore children of abuse who have become wards of the state. In the past, some kids could not benefit from these special services due to the cost-preventative nature of per-child campgrounds’ expenses. But AT WPR, ALL AMENITIES—from food services and lodging to expert recreational and counseling staff—ARE PROVIDED AT NO COST, which means no child ever has to be turned away. We can do this because of our Pony Sponsor and VIP Sponsor members (the best people on earth!) who partner directly with WPR’s healing ministry by contributing to the operating and construction costs of the retreat facility that includes the care of these life-changing therapy horses—their foods, veterinary needs, farrier, and more.


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