Limit Cocaine Craving_Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY

2 years ago

Cocaine, also known as coke, crack, and snow, is a highly addictive stimulant drug that causes severe psychological dependence. After repeated misuse, your brain becomes rewired, craving more cocaine to reach a euphoric high. After the high is over, you have an emotional crash and experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings. If you are in early recovery or trying to stop using cocaine, these intense desires can be very hard to ignore. Sometimes, months after getting sober, you can still experience cocaine cravings.
Meditation, for example, can help you stay grounded, encourage a feeling of inner peace, and increase self-esteem. You can practice meditation anywhere for a few minutes a day by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. By doing so, you become more self-aware and learn to control negative thought patterns. Intrusive thoughts including cravings might appear as you meditate, but by focusing on your breath, you stay in the present and better control what does and does not enter your mind. Yoga and qigong are other wellness practices that help to minimize stress and anxiety by helping you concentrate on the present.

Use this session to limit cravings.
Music affects a person, it can calm and cheer up, sounds can heal. The therapeutic effect is due to the frequency fluctuations of various sounds that resonate with various organs of the body. Sounds have bioresonance compatibility with the vibrations of human internal organs, which is the basis of the positive effect of sound treatment. The sound vibrations of music trigger many mechanisms of higher nervous activity in the patient's subconscious and start the healing process.
Sound therapy does not replace medical treatment, but complements it, improves the positive dynamics of treatment and speeds up recovery.
I wish you health and prosperity!

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