Melbourne Protest Rally - 27 08 2022 - Part 6 of 7

2 years ago

Ambulance comes from northern end of Spring Street to turn into Burke Street.
Yet nobody was in the way of the Ambulance and the Ambulance was able to go to its destination without incident. And nobody had to notify any of the Protesters on Spring Street & Burke Street intersection of the oncoming Ambulance.
Treason Media may not report the facts that way due to their continual treasonous lies.

Speech about the government is a corrupt criminal corporation with no legislative authority to enforce any medical service.
Jab Jab cohesion is a crime. Legalities of the Constitution & other such important information.

Speech about the narrative is changing. Doctors and movie stars joining the movement. Controlled calculated counter measures pushback against the 2030 agenda is taking place. Every single person in NSW hospitals who has had a problem / passed away were all "Vaccinated" patients. "Zero" % of them patients were unvaccinated. Military tribunals in Russia against the Ukrainians - Start of crimes against humanity.
October 7 with all the farmers.

Speech about the plans of the wicked to light up shrine of remembrance with the ,pride, colours was done away with, but installed in the gallery of the shrine of remembrance to recognise queer service from WW1 through to today, when they raised that flag and laid a reef that about 20 of the soldiers and returned servicemen turned their backs on that event. Even gay people were against turning the shrine of remembrance into a shrine to honour queer. The Trojan Horse for pedophilia. Talk about a low life scum thug who treated veterans day as though it was a nothing to him. premier d a.

Speech about leave their children alone, speech about only 2 genders, Speech about indoctrination of children into trans gender etc has to stop. $10,000 fines if you talk to your children about gender related things dan andrews proud about such things.
Speaking how infested every aspect of of australia society in all facets of society is infected with pedophilia.

Song about the c-19 and its related issues.

Dynamic Drummer Calls Out Despicable Low Life Slime fiona pattern who had the gaul who oversaw policies where it is ok to go to sex workers but not ok to see your loved one at a funerals or dying relatives in hospitals - how can she say she is with the people when she would not stand up against the premier.

Julian Assange - Founder of WikiLeaks - WikiLeaks provides a means for whistleblowers to anonymously provide information, such as in past has allowed individuals to release information about major crimes that are being committed or have been committed and covered up. Without WikiLeaks being available such crimes would have otherwise remained unknown.
Matthew 10:27

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