GoM 120 - Game of Thrones FINALE SS8Ep6 "The Iron Throne" Review/Recap/Analysis

2 years ago

Iron melts. Rulers rise and fall. The stunning conclusion to the greatest TV show of all time is here and we love it. Listen in while we break down all the little details from throughout the entire series that make the #GameOfThrones finale work thematically, emotionally, and narratively. There's so much to discuss and dissect and enjoy that this is our longest DEEP DIVE podcast yet, at well over 5 hours.

For the most immersive and entertaining experience, make sure to watch the YouTube version of this episode, where we show you onscreen what we're talking about and draw comparisons to other episodes, as well as other media and historical events. You can also see our goofy expressions as we get excited and emotional!

We hope you enjoy our coverage of this epic finale, and if you weren't initially content with the way things wrapped up, we hope our explanations of the way things unfolded will increase your enjoyment and appreciation of the nuanced twists and turns of this highly anticipated and divisive ending!

If you've enjoyed our coverage of GoT throughout the entire series, please consider donating to support the show. All donations will currently be matched 3x by one of our generous backers as incentive for you to help support us! If you want to ensure our continued survival through the Long Night and beyond, please consider supporting the show by donating at PayPal.me/gompodcast or by becoming a Patron at Patreon.com/gompodcast Thanks!

Make sure to check out "Beautiful America", the new documentary by TEA MAGE, free on YouTube! If you appreciate the majestic scenery and landscapes of GoT, you'll love TEA MAGE's adventures throughout some of the most badass places in the USA!


Check out Ser Duncan and Archmaester Stitches on SIRENICIDE, the serialized horror drama podcast, as Malak Husto and Johnny Stitches!! Go to Sirenicide.com or download it wherever you get your podcasts!

Many thanks to our awesome Patrons: Ser Matthew of House Repp, Lady Candace of House Tews, Lady Teri of House Theodore, Luke the Lo'Duke, Lady Lucy of House Roberts, Lord Zach of House Bruce, Lord Jeff of House Allen, Lord Jon of House Grilz, Sirenicide, Lord Jeremiah of House Carpenter, Lord Robert of House Misiaveg, Lady Jen from Tarot Spirit, Lord Kori Eugene of House Kuhn, Lord Calvin of House Cook, Lord George of House Howard! We love you, and appreciate your patronage!

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Thanks to Purpose and Tragic Allies for letting us play "First of His Name", from his new Game of Thrones Themed album "The Iron Throne of Microphones". Check out Purpose and crew on BandCamp:


Track: Chime - Phototropic [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://youtu.be/71AMtQLi-74 Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/PhototropicYO

Loki Approved

Produced by NoCTu Studios

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