Ron Buhler Interview at Reawaken America Tour in Batavia/Rochester, NY 8/13/22 Day 2

2 years ago

In this interview, Ron, a Jewish man, shares with Pastor Ruth about Alberto, a Jesuit priest who was trained to infiltrate churches, morally compromise the pastors, and infiltrate the schools, causing the students to behave immorally, ending in the demise of the students and their schools. Thus Alberto did all over Central America until one day, his conscience could no longer take it. In front of 50,000 people, he told them what he had really been doing, exposing the Jesuit order, & the Jesuit handlers sent him to Spain to an institution for insane priests. There they tried to break him through torture. Unable to break him, they gave him drugs, causing organ failure. Jesus came and healed & rescued him, and he ripped off the ventilators. By God's grace, he survived to tell the story. Ron shares how the same treatment & methods administered by the Jesuits are very similar to the "treatments" for Covid. He also shares that Dr. Fauci is a Jesuit priest. The same "treatments" 60 years ago: heavy drugs causing organ failure & ventilators is what was also used to "treat" Covid.

Ron also shares the story of Roger Morno, who ended up in the most elite luciferian center in Montreal, Canada, where lucifer would himself appear, giving power to doctors, politicians, & high ranking leaders who worshiped him there. Ron links this with President Trudeau of Canada, who is from Montreal, and other world leaders who are worshippers of lucifer.

Ron shares another story about Hillary Clinton & Larry Nichols, who says that Hillary is a witch who would go to California every month to meet with a witchcraft group, do rituals & return.

Ron also compares Spirit Cooking to the Covid injections, both which were made with murdered baby cells. He shares that religious leaders are saying there has been a surge in demonic possessions for those who have taken the jab.

He strongly urges everyone to repent who didn't understand these things and took the jab.

DISCLAIMER: Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed by those being interviewed are solely that of the said person, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position Pastor Ruth, Stand For Righteousness or our Media Group.

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