signal your awakening to celestial and stellar connections.

2 years ago

You have specific Stars of Destiny located in your chart and signal your awakening to celestial and stellar connections. When you become aware of these points of light they become guides to offer you a lighted pathway to peace and purpose.

The positive motion of Jupiter is being felt by those seeking to hold power through noble action and desire. Jupiter is the King of the Gods of the Planetary System and is the guide of abundant life to make sacred the earth and be a teacher of light. Where your Jupiter is placed in your chart represents the King, the ruler, the champion, the higher mind and so you are offered the resources and talents in this region of your chart to excel and achieve higher experience.

Pluto and Uranus are gods also as they bring forth impersonal world changes that affect each individual but not at a personal level. When they are in action in the transiting chart the outer planets Neptune included bring each person circumstances in reality to break, reform and mold into higher forms. The Uranus Pluto Square is one part of a longer cycle as discussed at length that reforms the Corporate and Private sectors of Control and Freedom. The focus is on resources and intelligence.

This is an age of hyper individualism and public mind control. All people, as this is a universal impersonal aspect, are facing a dark perspective of economic and fundamental slavery to secret and selfish enterprises. This energy invades the false peace and ignorant serenity of the accepted illusions with the strike and flash of light followed by the thunderous echo of this transformative power.

The Light in a Flash of enlightenment brings forth a clear vision of the wrongs of society and each person in a judgment recognized and acknowledged by all humanity. It is where Saturn resides is where our social planetary contract is held.

Saturn is the ring pass not of that to the outer reaches of the outer planets. Saturn placed in your chart provides you the path to your reality, purpose and authority to become respected, honored and given place of leadership. Jupiter provides the vision, enthusiasm and philosophy yet where Saturn is shows the core belief, the parent, the god, the face of authority and the present most challenging obstacle. It is the wall that protects and holds, teaches and disciplines, matures or ages, it rules the bones, the structure and is felt by everyone as a taskmaster to enable excellence.

Saturn is exalted in the position of ruler and is the incumbent energy affecting planetary structure. The movements of Pluto and Uranus are disruptive, bring world changes and set a revolutionary course to evolve. Neptune in Pisces is square Saturn and will transit back to Scorpio in June 2015. It is here where we are learning to work with ourselves in society’s dark shadow to awaken in this 29 year cycle honest awareness of responsibility and fair common law principles.

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