Rebirth Island Warzone Loadout - CernelSimp @cernelsimp #shorts

2 years ago

This is a video from the TikTok of CernelSimp @cernelsimp, entitled "Rebirth Island Warzone Loadout - THE EX1 BUILT AS A SNIPER CAN ONE SHOT🤯‼️ Class @ End!" If you enjoy the video, please go check out all of their other content at

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Nothing but TAGS from here on. Thanks for watching!

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Look, you made it down here. Just between you and me, I didn't write all that out. It's from TubeBuddy. I just type in the keywords Im trying to rank for (apparently all of them) and it gave me this list of the most popular tags to use. Saves a lot of time. So if that interests you attractive viewer, than consider getting TubeBuddy for your channel using my link:

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