MR. NON-PC - Some Things Aren't For Sale!

2 years ago

Mark 8:36 - "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

What has outlasting all the "Covidiots" and not giving into to the "Easy Bake Vaccine" taught us?? That some things aren't for sale!!

But how many people do you know that sold out to the CovidCult, took the PC-Poison or even made money off the lie?

The sad part is that they were nothing more than whores for the money, or even like a Ho that was getting bossed around by their Politician Pimps, Doctors, Presstitutes and their fellow "PC-Peepz" that looooooooove their PC-POOP!

But in time they may realize (or maybe not because so many are clueless zombies) that they sold out things that should have NEVER had a price!

These fools sold out their bodily autonomy, integrity, principles, values, morals, their families/childrens/grandchildrens lives and so many other countless things!!

But those that held out and will continue to will know and realize more and more each day....that some things aren't for sale!

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