Are You Happy With Your Work?

2 years ago

So if you're looking at shifting something majorly in your life like this,
look at what you like doing. I have a business colleague that she was a nurse, and she went into sales I call them tchotchkes.

You know, things like the pens with the company name on them. All the promotional stuff.
That's it.
So she went from nursing to the promotional stuff because, for her, she just wasn't happy as a nurse. She wanted to be happy. I can't emphasize to all of our listeners, if you're not happy, really take the time to sit down and figure it out.

You know, it's very interesting to me that people and there are leaders in our world and the icons in their own industries they take time off.

They know where they're going. And they like who are because they have a passion for that.

And they have it mapped out.

Exactly. But the reason it's mapped out is they took the time to do that. There's a saying, I believe it's Jim Roan's. I might be been mistaken.
That if you don't design your own life, someone will design it for you.
And what they have planned for you is not a lot.

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