Clear Call to Action

2 years ago

Another thing I hardly ever see people have on their site is a clear call to action.
That was the second thing I want to mention.

And one that makes people want it. Because think about this, design your website for the people who have no idea who you are. You have to design it for people who have no idea who you are, have never heard of you, have no idea what you do, Because a lot of times I go to a website and the big huge image on top and I see some navigation, but it doesn't indicate at all,
really, what you do? Who you are? And why I should care? Before scrolling. Right? And then the first thing you want me to do is to do a call with you.
I'm not gonna do a call with you because I don't even know who you are yet. Let me get a taste of you with like a free video or a webinar, come to call with you or download something with your expertise in it. I mean, yes, we want people in calls. You can put that later on the page or in some other places, but it can't be your main freebie anymore. People don't trust
enough to do that first. What do you think?

The free schedule a 15-minute consultation. That's what you're talking about. Right?

First of all, a 15-minute consultation is not good anyways. How many of you can sell thousands of dollars to a client in fifteen minutes?
I can't. I don't do that. I build rapport in fifteen minutes, and then I find out what they need, and then I ask them if they want to know how I can help them. The process takes about an hour. So don't fool yourself with a fifteen-minute consultation unless you're selling something for under a couple hundred dollars. Yeah. Then you might be able to sell them in fifteen minutes. But why would you ask for a 15-minute consultation?

I always wondered that too. It seems to be the norm to do. But like you,
if someone calls me, it's at least half an hour of conversation.

At least. And that's if you know them. And have already seen them somewhere and don't have to really get to know each other. Because people are not going to slap down hundreds or thousands of dollars,
typically, with someone they just meet. Yes. It can happen, it can. But is it rare? Yeah. It's not the norm.

It's not the norm.


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