Do I Need A Website?

2 years ago

Hey. We don't want to scare you here from doing business. You can get business without a website. I know you can get business without a website. You can go to a networking event in person or virtually and share what you do, and someone could go, oh, I need that. Let's have a call, and then you could sell them, and you could take money, and you could have a client. Let's face it. That can happen. It's not going to happen consistently though for you without a web presence. Because too many people are skeptical without seeing what you do.


Not only that but when I used to be very, very active in, local chamber events and just different local networking groups. Even though people would meet me at these groups, they would still go online and look at what I have on my website -- Yeah. -- to make sure that I'm a valid business. So it's super important because people are checking you out. They are. Whether you want them to or not. Everywhere. They're checking out your social media. They're stalking you. I've had people tell me, oh, I've been watching you for a couple of years. I'm like, what would it just say something? Just say, hi. You know,
I have had that too. A client one of the last I won't say last, but one of the most recent clients that I built a website for said that she found me because
she's been watching my Instagram account for years. I did a talk, five years ago at a local event here that she attended. She followed me on Instagram,
and I didn't even know she was there. You know? And, five years later,
it takes that takes time, plus they have to be ready. She is now a client.

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