You Don't Want To Start A Business - But It's Important That You Think You Do - How Money Moves 1

2 years ago

The culture of being an entrepreneur, or an investor, or a freelancer is increasingly driving young professionals to pursue career paths that are truly not in their best interests.

Now starting a business can of course be incredibly rewarding, and I might sound like a bit of a hypocrite here because of course I started this YouTube channel (at least in part) because I thought it had the potential to be very profitable… and it has been which is great.

But I am also well aware of the fact that I have been extremely lucky, (like winning the lottery levels of lucky) even to get to where I am today. I am also aware that a YouTube business is about the easiest possible business in the world to run. The product distribution, advertising, accounting, server hosting and invoicing are all handled for me.

It’s also incredibly low risk. If my channel never took off, I would have wasted about $300 in equipment and software subscriptions…

Now I bring up YouTube because it’s one of the defining examples of a business model that is perpetuating the idea that if you are not a “Hustler” you are failing at life.

So if you have ever even subconsciously thought that you are destined to be a business owner then it’s time to learn how money works to find out why it might not be all it’s cracked up to be.

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