Announcements for episode 90

2 years ago

Welcome to Episode 90: Privacy, Permissions, Account activity, Personal data and Activity Controls (Part three) Phones
In this episode, we return to the “System Settings” and continued with the above subject matter, and this week, we focus on “Activity Controls.”

• This week We want to thank other donors to the cause.
• We say “Thank you “to Pam Drake,
• “Thank you” to Mario Navarro,
• “Thank you to Barret.”
• Also, we want to thank those of you who aren’t able to donate something but still listen to us and read our forum emails. We are thankful to each and every one!
• Plex had a data breach, so if you haven’t received an email from them advising you to change your password, you should do so.
• We’re also giving away another Pixel A-Earbuds this week. So, be a winner!
Should email the code to

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