What does bone-on-bone mean? You may not have it even when you are told you do!

2 years ago

There is the false perception that bone-on-bone can be identified by diagnostic test like x-ray or MRI. This is simply a fallacy. A person interpreting an image is not exactly what would be considered top line scientific investigation. In fact, that idea of going to a surgeon to find out if you need surgery certainly sounds like a self fulfilling prophesy.

Here is a better idea. Why not learn what the term bone-on-bone really means and what would the physical presentation of this be? If you understand how the knee, for instance, works and what a joint space is and how it affects the function of the knee, then you can understand what it is to be bone-on-bone, having no joint space. With this understanding you can determine whether you are bone-on-bone or not.

The biggest misconception promoted by the failed medical establishment is that pain at joint represents being bone-on-bone. Again, this is simply nuts. You can have a perfectly functioning joint and i hit you in the knee with a baseball bat. Is the pain you are experiencing indicative of being bone-on-bone? Of course not. So let's end any attempt to correlate pain to meaning the joint is bone-on-bone. Let's look at the more logical promotion that having a major loss of range of motion and at the end range if attempted to be pushed farther it would feel like a bone is hitting another bone is the presentation of being bone-on-bone.

And just for edification, I have treated thousands of people diagnosed as being bone-on-bone and were scheduled for joint replacement. All but two presented with having a full range of motion of the joint indicating the bone-on-bone diagnosis was erroneous. The cause of the pain at the joint was proven to be muscular and with a few key exercises the pain was resolved in just weeks.

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