Could mass vaccination be a partial explanation for the 1918-1919 Spanish flu 'pandemic'?

2 years ago

Flu deaths are almost always in the old and sick, and sometimes also in the very young. As far as I know, the Spanish flu was the first and only 'pandemic' where young adults were also among the high risk group. Could mass vaccination have played a role here?

Here are some facts I think I know about the Spanish flu:

1. Despite their best efforts, microbiologists could not find any bacterium that might have caused the disease. At the time, microbiologists weren't able to find viruses. (IMO they probably still can't, but that's a whole different discussion.)

2. A significant share of the deaths can be likely be attributed to treatment of the disease with extreme overdoses of 20 grams per day or more of aspirin. It is said that this may cause the same symptoms as was seen in the severely ill.

NB: Related term: IATROGENESIS is the causation of a disease, a harmful complication, or other ill effect by any medical activity, including diagnosis, intervention, error, or negligence.

3. The people who died (many may have been soldiers) may have been in very bad health due to extreme chronic stress, exhaustion, unhealthy diet, unhealthy environment in cramped trains and boats, exposure to toxins and disease spreading animals (such as rats) during the first world war, injuries, etc.

4. The amount of deaths has likely been vastly exaggerated over the past century. Estimates used to be less than 10 million deaths. As time wore on, the estimates rose to 50 million deaths and now even estimates of 100 million deaths are mentioned.

5. Hospitals for the sick were often vastly inadequately ventilated and understaffed.

6. The sick who were exposed to fresh air and sunlight, such as was often done in tuberculosis sanatoriums later, had significantly improved survival chances compared to those who were treated inside. See for example:

Open-Air Treatment During the “Spanish Flu” Pandemic

7. Experiments were performed by Rosenau et al. to determine if the disease was infectious. Researchers took mucus samples from both the recently deceased and living severely ill. These mucus samples were nebulized and inhaled by volunteers. Also, larger mucus samples were swallowed by volunteers. Other experiments were also performed. None of the volunteers got sick. If this is true, that's a strong signals that the Spanish flu was not a respiratory infection.

See this video for more information on the last point:

Unmasking the proof of flu transmission | Roman Bystrianyk

Getting back to the mass vaccination hypothesis behind the Spanish flu, more information could help confirm or deny the hypothesis. For example:

- Which groups received mass vaccination? Which groups died?
- When were they vaccinated? How much time passed between vaccination and illness/death?
- Which vaccines were used?
- Could there be other hypotheses? For example, was mass disinfection with toxic chemicals used such as was later done with DDT?

The article ...

The State of Science, Microbiology, and Vaccines Circa 1918

... says: "Many vaccines were developed and used during the 1918–1919 pandemic."

The more research I do, the more convinced I become about the following:

- All vaccines are unnecessary because (1) there are always better and safer alternatives, and (2) the diseases they are supposed to protect against may (a) not even be infectious, (b) not be present at this time, and/or (c) not pose a significant risk for those with good health
- All vaccines have at least some health risk while some have significant risks. The COVID 'vaccines' have extremely high risk. Vaccine fatality rate (VFR) between 1 in 2500 to 1 in 1000 doses. Rates of severe disease are likely between 1 in 250 to 1 in 100 doses.
- No vaccine provides any proven long-term net health benefit
- No vaccine provides sterilizing immunity, i.e. no vaccine protects others and will cause herd immunity. This could be because the diseases the vaccines are supposed to immunize against, may not be infectious.

For a fantastic reference, I highly recommend the book 'Dissolving illusions' by dr. Susan Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk. I will gradually share their video's on my channel in the near future.

Health comes from a healthy diet, lifestyle and environment. If you're healthy, you don't need vaccines. If you're unhealthy, vaccines likely won't help you much and they are never the best solution.

If you get ill, there are almost always cheap, safe, highly effective early treatments. Examples are: hyperthermia therapy (heating the body, e.g. with hot packs), sun exposure (or near infrared light if sun exposure is not possible), adequate divided doses of (intravenous) antioxidants, chlorine dioxide, intravenous ozone, adequate rest and hydration, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), healthy diet and environment (e.g. adequate ventilation, optimal humidity, no mold).

Here's an interesting closing thought. The Amish were relatively little harmed by COVID. This could be because: (a) COVID is not a real pandemic, 'only' 2-3x as bad statistically as the seasonal flu, (b) they don't consume media who are superspreaders of 24/7 fear porn which is detrimental to health and wellbeing, (c) they're healthier than the average person due to their healthier diet/lifestyle/environment, and/or (d) they never got any vaccines.


BOOK: Eleanor McBean – ‘The poisoned needle’


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