Treat TISSUES not PAIN! Understand this or you will be in PAIN INDEFINITELY.

2 years ago

Everybody is looking for a way to resolve their pain. They are easy prey for those out there trying to sell treatments to address the pain. The problem is this will never work. Pain is not an entity. It is a signal. It is a signal of a tissue in distress. So to resolve the pain, you need to resolve the distress of the tissue eliciting the emergency distress signal of pain. When the distress is resolved, the tissue no longer has to emit the signal and the pain ceases.

Understand this concept or you will be in pain indefinitely. I don't care if you take medication, get injections, get radio frequency ablation, etch. Until you are being treated by somebody that knows they need to treat a tissue, you are being manipulated. The Yass Method has shown in that in more than 98% of cases the cause of pain and other symptoms is muscle. The presentation of symptoms let's you know that. If you are still accepting MRI results as the primary means of identifying the cause of pain you will be in for a very long ride because the MRI is baseless.

The Yass Method is capable of not just identifying the tissue in distress but in the case of muscle, which particular muscles are responsible. Then has the understanding of how to strengthen the appropriate muscles utilizing progress resistance strength training, the only means of making muscles stronger until their force output is greater than the force requirement of activities being performed which leads to living pain-free and fully functional.

If you have not gotten a narrative regarding your pain or other symptoms that goes something to the effect of "the tissue in distress emitting your symptoms is this. I know that based on this presentation of symptoms from your body and I will now perform this intervention to resolve the distress of the tissue so it no longer has to emit the emergency distress signal of pain or other symptoms", you are never going to end your symptoms.

The medical establishment is a fee for service basis so outcome is not a factor in getting paid. This is the primary reason the system continues to proceed with failure rates that would never survive in any other industry. They don't have to provide anything to you because they get pain even when your pain increases. So don't expect the narrative I said is required to prove that you are getting the proper treatment from them.

The Yass Method has existed for almost 30 years outside the medical establishment because it is based on outcome. And as a side note, I believe as the creator of the method that I was given this knowledge from a higher power and it is my responsibility to make it available to anybody who seeks it so they can reclaim their life and live the life they so justly deserve.

This one concept is the basis by which treatment must be provided for success to be achieved. If you understand this then get the one method that has been practiced based on this understanding for almost 3 decades. Get the Yass Method.

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