Pain Pain go away; Resolve the Cause it STAYS AWAY!

2 years ago

How many of you are getting some kind of treatment in which the symptoms decrease for some short interval but then return and affect your functional capacity? You are told by the practitioner that the treatment is working but it takes time and months, even years go by and the same thing keeps happening.

Try to use logic to understand what is happening. You are not addressing the tissue in distress with the treatment, therefore the tissue continues to remain in distress and eliciting the emergency distress signal of pain. How can you not see that as "the truth"? The practitioner is just doing what they were educated and trained to do. In most cases no attempt was made to identify the tissue in distress eliciting the pain in the first place other then blindly accepting the results of a MRI. No evaluation of symptoms was performed which is scary as those symptoms are being elicited by the very tissue in distress and your best chance to identify that tissue is to interpret the symptoms.

I have shown that in more than 98% of cases the cause of pain is muscular. This is true even when positive findings are identified by MRI such as herniated discs, stenosis, arthritis, pinched nerve, meniscal tear, labral tear and the like. These structural variations exists but are independent to the cause of the symptoms. This is why treatment fails at such a high rate.

If the cause is muscle, there is only way to end the distress of muscle. Muscle strains and emits pain because its force output is less then the force requirements of the activities being performed. Therefore the only way to raise the force output of muscle is to cause it to adapt to greater resistances thereby making it respond and get stronger. If muscle is the cause then all the other crap that is promoted to address muscle will never work. The dumbest and hottest nonsense is this dry needling crap. It won't work. Cold laser won't work. Aqua therapy won't work. Treadmills won't work. Pilates won't work. Yoga won't work. Stretching won't work. The only thing that will work is understanding which muscles are responsible for the symptoms and then understanding how to perform isolated strength training exercises moving the one joint in one direction that the muscle performs and then applying increasing resistances.

If you now understand this then you now understand why all the crap you have received to this point did nothing more then provide temporary relief. Be smart and start to take control of your care. If you are getting care and getting nothing more then temporary relief especially if this is going on for months or years, stop the treatment. If the cause of pain is muscular, you should be able to achieve being pain-free and fully functional in weeks in most cases. Get the Yass Method and reclaim your life.

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