Tiny muscle. Huge impact on RESOLVING PAIN (Most have never heard of this muscle)

2 years ago

The posterior tibialis muscle is a very small muscle that sits on the inside of the shin and gets no accolades for its impact on how people weight bear and therefore function. It affects who you weight bear from the back to the hip, knee, ankle and foot. A weak posterior tibialis can cause lower back pain, hip, gluteal and groin pain, inner knee pain, ankle pain, plantar fasciitis and bunions. In this video I will explain the muscles relationship to these regions and how weakness affects weight bearing through the areas.

As part of a thorough physical evaluation when diagnosing the cause of pain which is at the core of the Yass Method, the posterior tibialis should be tested and examined for weakness. Diagnostic testing will never show any indication of weakness of this muscle and therefore will remain a hidden cause of pain.

Unless you understand the significance of this muscle and its impact on allowing weight bearing to run through the midline of every joint from the lower back to the foot, you will not be able to see its significance in creating pain. It is important to understand how the posterior tibialis works in conjunction with the gluteus medius muscle (hip region muscle) to allow for weight bearing through the midline of the foot.

As I have stated over and over again, the cause of pain is in more than 99.99% of cases not where the pain is being experienced. That is why you need to perform a through full body examination to understand where the cause lies. Without this understanding you are just getting treatments for the sake of getting treatments. The person providing the treatment is more than happy to provide the treatment as long as they get paid for performing the treatment regardless of whether a positive outcome is a determinant for payment. That is why people go for months or years getting treatment and never get better. This is what leads to depression, hopelessness and a sense the pain will be there indefinitely.

Never accept treatment unless the practitioner can provide a narrative explaining what in a physical presentation indicates they know what tissue is in distress eliciting the symptoms being experienced. They then must explain what the treatment will do to resolve the distress of that tissue. If you don't have those two components, you are depending on faith to resolve your symptoms.

Get the facts, get the treatment and get resolution of symptoms and return to full function with the Yass Method.

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If you want to make a Yass Method session appointment, click on the link: www.livewithoutpains.com/sessions/. You can learn about how the sessions work and when ready choose either an in-person session in Jacksonville, Florida or a zoom session picking the day and time that works best for you.

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