Was Will Smith WRONG For Smacking CHRIS ROCK At The Oscars? TSR Special Call In Show

2 years ago

14:00 : Show begins! LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & HIT THE BELL! Will Smith hitting Chris Rock in the face onstage at the 2022 Academy Awards was due to a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith's lack of hair (she has Alopecia). What was all in good fun has turned into an Oscars scandal. Chris Rock isn't pressing charges. So joking about her hair is a NO but joking about her sleeping with other men, that's ok? Call in to give your thoughts on todays TSR Live special with Donovan Sharpe.

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0:00 - 13:59 - Countdown⏱️
14:00 : Show begins! - Today's topic
18:00 : Jada doesn't deserve Will Smith
19:20 : Caller #1 - Will Smith is broken💔
23:00 : John from "Modern Life Dating" joins the show!🔥
27:00 : Jada Smith is the typical western woman
30:00 : Tallulah joins the show - Will got emotional
35:00 : Caller #2 - Will is too afraid of Jada
36:20 : Jada is an old hag & her kids are f**ked up
41:50 : F3minism doesn't work - Everyone is miserable
43:20 : YOU DON'T do that $hit in front of white people😆
44:50 : Jada will divorce Will in a year!
46:40 : Caller #3 - You don't do this $hit in public
56:00 : Caller #4 & 5 - How can you get mad at a comedian??
58:20 : Women online make fun of balding men all the time
59:30 : Rollo Tomassi joins - IT'S STAGED!
1:04:00 : Rollo - Will Smith is a beta-cuckold guy
1:06:00 : Rollo COOKS🔥🔥 - This happens when men don't take authority over women
1:08:00 : Superchats!
1:13:15 : Tallulah leaves - Where can you find her?
1:16:40 : Caller #6 - GI Jane is a compliment
1:19:00 : Caller #7 - Jada doesn't want Will to understand his value
1:20:30 : Caller #8 - Will Smith was out of line
1:24:30 : Where was this energy when August f**ked your wife!?
1:26:00 : Caller #9 - Will should have left Jada long time ago
1:28:00 : Will did the right thing but for the wrong person
1:32:50 : This sends a wrong message to Young Men
1:34:00 : Caller #10 - Will saw an opportunity to prove himself
1:37:30 : Caller #11 - Jada was never over Tupac
1:40:40 : If your Girl f**ks other guys, DO THIS....
1:43:30 : Caller #12 - Will is too weak to shut her down
1:45:45 : Caller #13 - Jada is a dog who is not trained welI (Shoutout to Coach EO)
1:48:40 : Caller #14 - Will Smith needs real men around him
1:53:30 : Caller #15 - I'm glad Chris Rock didn't react
1:57:00 : Women lead men astray all the time
1:58:00 : Caller #16 COOKS!
2:03:40 : Caller #17 - Will is a puppet, Jada is a puppet master
2:09:30 : Caller #18 - Will Smith didn't slap Chris
2:12:20 : Caller #19 - This is normal in a Blue-Pill world
2:16:45 : Caller #20 - Can their relationship come back from this?
2:18:00 : Caller #21 drops BOMBS - This is BluePill Rage
2:21:30 : Caller #22 - Will got bullied, this was done to prove himself
2:24:30 : Caller #23 makes EXCELLENT POINTS!
2:26:50 : Caller #24 - Will walked back to his chair like he did something 😭🤣
2:31:30 : Caller #25 - You can't do that on Live TV! / GI Jane is a badass icon
2:38:20 : Caller #26 - Celebrities can get away with this, you will get killed
2:41:00 : Caller #27 - Both Will & Chris were wrong
2:45:50 : Caller #28 - Jada cut his balls in public
2:48:00 : Will Smith book is BluePilled
2:49:00 : Caller #29 - Chris Rock did the same routine as Ricky Gervais
2:50:40 : Emasculation is worse than F3minism
2:55:50 : (Caller #30 ) Former Hollywood Stuntwoman calls in - This looks fake
2:58:20 : Caller #31 - Will Smith pushed back the black community
3:03:45 : Final Superchats!

Tags: #donovansharpe #willsmith #chrisrock
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