Dr. Luke McLindon talks about inadequate, worrying, obfuscated data on reproductive vaxx toxicity

2 years ago

Dr. Luke McClindon explains:

1. Arrogant 'fact checkers' have claimed data gathered by McClindon on sharp increases in spontaneous abortions in his own patients after the jab roll-out is false, even though they have no proof to the contrary.

2. Medical products have known and unknown harms and benefits. The burden of proof for safety for the experimental COVID jabs is on the pro-vaxxers.

It's THEIR job to show with adequate, reliable short/medium/long-term data on ALL relevant aspects (e.g. genotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, carcinogenicity, thrombogenicity, risk of auto-immune disease, risk of neurological harm) in both animals and humans that these products are safe.

The products are unsafe until they've been perfectly proven to be safe. Not the other way around. The burden of proof should NOT be on the 'anti-vaxxers' to show that the jabs are unsafe.

3. The precautionary principle needs to be observed. Don't take experimental products, especially if (1) the absolute risk is not very high and (2) there are cheap, safe, effective alternatives available.

4. The spike protein attaches to the ACE2 receptor which exist in high density all throughout the female reproductive tract: uterus, tubes, vagina, ovaries.

5. We need a thorough risk-benefit analysis before recommending these products.

NB: The options considered in the risk-benefit analysis should NOT be for example vaccination and placebo, but vaccination and the best possible alternative. My recommended candidate for the best possible alternative is an integrative protocol consisting of: (1) adequate ventilation, (2) optimal humidity, (3) adequate vitamin D, (4) early intensive combination treatment, (5) healthy diet/lifestyle, (6) voluntary protection of the high risk group.

6. A thorough scientific methods consists of cycles of thinking, observing, experimenting, data gathering. All these steps are being opposed by the authorities. Everyone is just supposed to comply: follow the narrative and do exactly whatever the government tells you to do whenever they tell you to do it, just like in any other totalitarian society. Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot/Kim Jong Un approve.

7. Freedom of information (FOIA) requests to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA, Australian equivalent of FDA) show worrying data. For example:

- the lipid nanoparticles accumulate to 10x greater concentrations in the ovaries than in most other organs
- the pre-implementation loss rate in rats was 150% higher in vaxx group compared to the control group. Instead of further researching this worrying statistic, the authorities just concluded it was within the acceptable range.
- no genotoxicity studies, "assuming vaccine administered twice per year". WTF???

Data is also obfuscated:

- Requests for microscopic examination of the ovaries and testes of COVID jab injected rats was declined 3 times. A formal complaint submitted in October of 2021 remains unresolved. The authorities likely don't have this data or don't want outsiders to know about the data. Either way, it's a red flag.
- One document that has been revealed, was mostly redacted. The section that was unredacted showed a worrying "uterine swelling and collections of clear fluid in uteri". Again, this was not further analyzed or investigated. The authorities wouldn't find a safety signal if it hit them in the face.

8. Since adequate safety and efficacy data is not provided, it is impossible for doctors to provide adequate informed consent to their patients.

9. "Truth is not private property." ― Saint Augustine. The government works for the population, since the population pays their salaries. They don't have the right to determine which information should and should not be shared with the public.

10. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) admits clinical data on COVID injections in pregnant women is lacking, so no adequate evidence-based advice regarding safety and efficacy can be given. Still, they manage to claim the clot shots are safe and recommend pregnant women get jabbed, who are a priority group according to them.


Segment from (starts at 3m50s in original):

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