Moving Our Partridge Chantecler Chickens Mid Winter

2 years ago

Last minute changes to our Chantecler Chickens. Today was a busy day as I was making bread, apple jelly and went out to take a few minutes to collect the eggs from the barn and water the chickens. What I didn't expect was I couldn't get into the Partridge Chantecler Chicken coop. The month of February has been a very interesting month weather wise. We have gotten -38 C days and -1C days, which means a lot of melting and freezing overnight. That is what happened we got a whole day of rain that froze that night, and also melted a lot of snow, preventing us from getting into the chicken coop. Our barn has never been an issue over the years but the coop is new to us this winter, using it to house our new Partridge Chantecler chickens. Join us as we prepare in just 2 hours a new home for our Chantecler chickens for the remaining of the winter.

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