Vanessa Clark Interview at Reawaken America Tour in Batavia/Rochester, NY 8/13/22 Day 2

2 years ago

In this interview with Vanessa Clark, the wife of Clay Clark, she shares with Pastor Ruth how God took Clay from being a small business coach, to leading a movement that is impacting this nation and the world. As small businesses were shut down during covid, Clay began to research to discover what was really happening behind the scenes. As he began to share these things on his podcast, he was dropped by iTunes and YouTube. Although he was having regular meetings and putting the truth out there through podcasts, Clay felt the strong hand of God upon his life, calling him to do something more. One of their clients sent a prophecy given by Prophet Kim Clement many years prior, confirming God God was calling someone by the name of Mr. Clark. Things blossomed from the first meeting to a Tour that is encompassing the United States with many powerful anointed men and women from various walks of life. It has drawn local crowds/patriots in each state and has been a way to share the truth of what is really happening in this nation with those attending, and the many watching online.

Vanessa confirms it was all God who put this together, using the skill set to organize and host that He had given to her husband…that God had breathed this idea. Pastor Ruth shares that there are greater glorious things ahead for this God movement. Vanessa also states that God says He will shake all that can be shaken, so that what cannot be shaken will remain. He wants everyone to come to Him so they won’t have to go to hell. He is calling us as a nation to get on our knees and repent, and that we would not have any idols before Him.

Vanessa also shares that God’s heart toward the Biden family is that they would be delivered…they don’t have peace or joy and they need to be set free. She can only imagine all the pain Hunter Biden has been through. President Biden and everyone needs to know the love of Jesus, as He doesn’t want anyone to perish. Pastor Ruth reiterates the question she asked the day before when she and Anna Khait were on the stage:

”if Mr. President Biden showed up right now, who among you will hug him? Who among you can say, God loves you Mr. President?”

Vanessa reaffirms that God is working behind the scenes, and that we are not fighting against Biden, but the spirit operating in him.

Video of Anna & Pastor Ruth Sharing at ReAwaken America on 8/12/22:

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