TN Senate Bill 2514 - The Dallas Bill - Armed Guard Standards- Michael Mann Security Services - MMSS

2 years ago

TN Senate Bill 2514 passed with a 28-1 vote and is likely to pass the House as well. It's called the Dallas Law in memory of Dallas Barrett who was killed at a downtown Nashville nightclub.

If all goes as planned this bill will become law and take affect in January 2023. It will increase the standard for armed and unarmed guards throughout Tennessee. This will change the way, churches, bars and contract security companies train and retain their employees and volunteers.

Click here to read the Senate Bill as passed:

Michael Mann Security Services (MMSS) was founded by Michael Mann to help organizations and individuals get better at recognizing, preventing, and protecting themselves when it comes to security issues.

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A true security professional, Michael has experience in many backgrounds:

▶︎ U.S. Marine Corps Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST)
▶︎ Metropolitan Nashville Police Department SWAT Team
▶︎ U.S. Department of Energy Federal Protective Forces (FPF)
▶︎ Y-12 National Security Complex SWAT (SRT) Team
▶︎ 30+ Year Student, Practitioner, and Teacher of Modern Pistolcraft and Self Defense
▶︎ Private Security Consulting, Executive Protection and Security Management
▶︎ Certified Protection Professional (CPP)
▶︎ Certified Physical Security Professional (PSP)
▶︎ Certified in Executive and Dignitary Protection (CDEP)

Michael Mann Security Services exists to provide your church, business, family or group the necessary skills and qualifications to protect yourself.

#tnsb2514 #security #thedallaslaw #armedguards #tennessee #nashville #unarmedguards #churchsecurity #higherstandard

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Thank you for watching the video TN Senate Bill 2514 - The Dallas Bill - Armed Guard Standards- Michael Mann Security Services - MMSS

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