Emerging Star Actor Sean Anthony Baker Interview Pt. 1

2 years ago

Sean Anthony Baker talks with platinum producers Arkatech Beatz (Jugrnaut & Mike Trauma D) about what it takes to be an actor, preparing for roles, his transition from being a recording artist, and dealing with the loss of his parents and how it impacted his career. Check out the full interview on own main channel.

0:00 - Intro
1:12 - 2:11 The Need For Help/Mentors In The Film Industry
2:21 - 3:20 Dealing With Success In The Film/Music Industry
3:47 - 4:46 Everyone Is Not Built For The Industry
5:47 - 6:46 Some Actors Are Ready To Quit
7:23 - 8:22 Where Does Sean Anthony Baker Go From Here

#actor #actors #film #podcast #movies #interview #seananthonybaker #interview #arkatechbeatz

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