REFUND and RETURING ammunition. Why don't ammunition companies offer returns and refunds???

2 years ago

Hello from Mills Ammunition. I did something against our OWN policy. I took a refund and return. I did it to tell a story. Sometimes a particular ammunition just doesn’t run in a particular gun. Other times the shooters technique or lack of grip pressure results in FTF’s or failure to fires. I took the retuned ammunition, which was .380 ACP, and ran it through a Sig 238, a Browning Black Medallion 1911 380 and a Beretta Chetah. SUCCESS, Mills Ammunition ran like a TOP!!! SAVE GAS, TIME and MONEY. Order our Ammunition from your home and five boxes ship FREEEE! #veteranowned #beatingtheman #madeinusa #madeinnc #45ACP #semi-auto #millsammunition #smallbusiness

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