06- STUN GUN TO THE HEART-details of Bobbi Kristina's murder. (Please see description)

2 years ago


(Note: Tory first gives clues to his involvement with certain elements of the military industrial complex, and it involves his special spiritual gifts that allows him to perceive and interact in the Astro realm. Military remote viewing is a real technology. I believe this world is infiltrated by demons (fallen angels) that are using a hidden invading evil race of Reptilian type aliens as the intermediary interdimensional medium to possess and project their will and control over us. We have the potential to have inherit higher dimensional ability, but we are imprisoned and trapped in this 3D enslavement world of control, through fake media, powers to be, and world-wide infiltrated world leaders, ultimately ushering the New World Order as the endgame of total control through technology.
I know these demonic entities exist because I firstly received a demonic attachment through a childhood molestation as a baby. See, MK-Ultra Mind Control Survivor, Cathy O'Brien.
Cathy O’Brien can attest that an abused child will create a photographic memory of the event. Even though I only had that one initial contact that I can remember, it is ingrained in my mind and this single event that allowed or caused a demon or one of these feeding reptilian entities to attach and try to influence my future for its parasitic benefit in order to exist in our world. This also explains my childhood nightmares and sleep paralysis episodes. I am only recently connecting these horrific childhood nightmares with these demonic creatures as I awaken to that reality and where certain hidden memories are coming back.
People, as they slowly awaken, they can now actually see cracks in this reality and the thinning of the vail. I cannot even watch most mainstream media, as I now perceive the demonic entities behind the fake news puppets, Hollywood and installed world leaders. Everything make sense under this premise, and certainly explains Trudeau, the Biden administration and especially our current pope, which all are pushing the Vaxx, mandates, digital passports, great reset and the ultimate NWO agenda. It once was estimated that 10-12% of the world are satanists, I believe the current world leadership in all sectors is more like 90% of these controlled satanists with these hidden entities after the rest of the population majority. Make sense they want to systematically kill as many of us as possible. No way the Vatican cannot know the COVID Vax genocide agenda, therefore it makes more sense that these Catholic infiltrators are a part of this evil agenda exactly installed for this exact point of time as all most of the world leaders are.
If Tory Smith had the ability and total control over this Astro dimension and where these evil entities actually operate, what exactly were these creatures doing to me during these nighttime sleep paralysis childhood nightmares? They use this trauma (loosh) to feed off us, while the horrific trauma is psychologically suppressed from our memory. How diabolical and evil is that? This is nothing compared to what really happens to countless children in systematic secret from this evil satanic cabal and all the government contacts torturing Tory. I believe absolutely of Tory’s abilities and revelations. He is genuinely sincere and totally explains these lying deceiving creeps and these demonic impersonating entities in the news, military, politics and world events. This also helps explain Trump’s mission, the White Hat Alliance and Q. Just look at the leaked Podesta emails and the WikiLeaks dumps. You can’t make this stuff up; everything makes sense from this so-called reptilian theory. Why are these crazy possessed liberals “screaming at the sky”, because of Trump? Because there this a spiritual battle going on and these demons are freaking out. I know from experience, because my sudden awakening in 2019 freaked one out and sent it back to hell. Not only that, it certainly fits in with the bible and especially the Old Testament. Certain information has simply been hidden from us as a means of control. I also believe Trump and the Patriots are in total control. We are watching a movie as the masses are slowly waking up.
Just one thing I didn’t agree with Tory, was how he stated anyone can mediate and contact certain deceased people. Definitely pray, but be careful of such mediation techniques, because you can open yourself to possible contact with negative entities. Because of his special psychic/remote-viewing abilities, maybe he had the ability to accurately discern who or what he was contacting and took that for granted. Yes, pray! Marcum)

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Dec 7, 2015

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