Bovine colostrum benefits | Bovine colostrum for bodybuilding | Why athletes take bovine colostrum?

3 years ago

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Bovine colostrum is the earliest milk released produced by cows that contains special nutrients that protect the newborn calf from infections. It contains a much higher protein and fat content, with less lactose compared to mature milk. Compared to mature milk, it is abundant in bioactive components including immune, growth and antimicrobial factors. Bovine colostrum is also used as a supplement for human consumption. A number of clinical studies have demonstrated its effects on body composition, physical performance, recovery, gut damage and permeability, immune function and illness risk. Some athletes take this supplement because it has been found to improve endurance cycling performance and enhance recovery from an acute exercise session. It has been proposed that bovine colostrum supplementation at 60 g per day enhances repeat running and cycling performance during normal training periods. Colostrum has also been used by athletes for its immune function support. Athletes engaged in prolonged or intensive training have a higher incidence of upper respiratory infections. Studies have reported that bovine colostrum supplementation has improved mucosal immunity, which is assessed typically via saliva immunoglobulin A or antimicrobial proteins. In addition to its immune support function, bovine colostrum increases lean tissue mass. In a study, eight weeks of 20 g per day bovine colostrum supplementation has been shown to increase bone-free lean body mass in active men and women.

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