Fallout 2 Playthrough (Mostly Blind) - Part 62 - The End

2 years ago

The time has come. Rescue the people of Arroyo and destroy the Enclave.

Timestamps for you:
- 00:41 - Any attempt to go in guns blazing was a bad idea. The sneak approach was the way.
- 01:42 - Inspecting the area.
- 03:57 - I returned to the entrance and headed to the stairs.
- 04:48 - A minigun on the crate. I didn't need it, though.
- 05:44 - I find the Elder of Arroyo.
- 08:36 - Trying to figure out what to do next.
- 11:09 - I use the Computer Console to access some information.
- 11:41 - I download information about the reactor. I wasn't aware of its importance.
- 14:10 - I return to the entrance.
- 14:26 - I access the Computer Console at the entrance. I need to find the Presidential Passkey to access some things.
- 15:13 - I go downstairs again.
- 15:49 - Another set of stairs.
- 16:13 - The room with many trap doors and an electrified floor.
- 17:42 - Checking the lockers in the room on the right.
- 18:16 - Another GECK.
- 18:35 - Healing items and other things.
- 19:00 - Maybe I was just tired - playing the game for 3 hours in a row - but I failed to figure the way out on my own. Skip to 22:20.
- 24:06 - Looting some lockers and creates on the room on the left.
- 24:39 - Two gauss rifles and ammo on the two crates.
- 24:58 - Okay, back to the trap door puzzle.
- 26:07 - I'm finally free!
- 26:51 - Another set of stairs.
- 27:34 - I realized I was in the area reserved for the President.
- 27:50 - I go through the corridor and take the stairs to the lower level. It's the reactor area.
- 29:34 - I finally read the Power Plant Operations downloaded from the computer at 11:41.
- 33:00 - I returned to the level above to talk with the President.
- 33:23 - Meeting President Richardson.
- 34:21 - I let him talk.
- 35:14 - Learning about the vault's true purpose.
- 37:23 - The Project, FEV, and all their plan.
- 39:59 - The shoot-in-the-face option is not a good idea. I tried it. The super stimpak option was the most effective.
- 40:55 - I take the Presidential Passkey and return to the reactor level.
- 41:16 - It took me some time to realize there was no way inside the reactor room.
- 44:03 - Threatening the scientist to shut down and overheat the reactor was an option.
- 45:02 - Level up. I chose the last perk. I'll not have much chance to try it out.
- 46:56 - It's time to run.
- 48:10 - Bumping in some enclave soldiers.
- 48:56 - Dude, this place is about to blow up.
- 50:04 - I use the terminal to turn the turrets against Frank Horrigan. I brought my companions and so much ammo and barely used it.
- 53:08 - Frank Horrigan defeated.
- 54:13 - Leaving the Oil Rig and destruction of the place.
- 55:28 - Ending slideshow.
- 59:02 - I didn't plan the fate of the talking deathclaws.
- 01:00:05 - End Credits.

Thanks for watching.

Fallout2 Unofficial Patch: https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Unofficial_Patch

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