Senate To Codify Reprehensible Immigration Bill

2 years ago

Ronald Raygun calls in to tell us about a reprehensible immigration bill that actually has a chance of passing.

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Hey, this is Ronald Raygun. Yes, Ronald Raygun. I think I called you out earlier. and I saw that I saw the 509 and I figured. I figured. yeah, I'm just calling and bringing some of that SAPE to the show statistically average penis energy. yeah okay so good. yep. I understand. That's all. but no you were talking about farm workers and exploitation. and I think it's sometimes I feel like you know when I imagine these things like it's not really a smoke-filled back room with you know Kowalski and his friends going like you know this is what we should do to the Mexicans. but it kind of actually is like that. There's a farmwork modernization act. which is actually pretty close to passing this senate. and the one hanging up right now is that the republicans are worried about a provision that would allow temporary Ag workers to sue their employer. so in other words like the one thing that they're most concerned about is farm workers having any rights. right. and let's just be clear this is literally like a right that foreigners have broadly speaking anyways. right? you can sue in American courts. yeah and it really is indentured servitude and like pretty explicitly. and if you want to get sort of the facts about it there I'll try and find the link but there's like a growers association that did a faq about it. and it's all like dispelling their concerns. like when I have to pay my workers too much. and it's like don't worry there's a wage freeze in this bill. and then like one of the other concerns is once they legalize won't they all get better jobs? and built into this farmworker bill is the thing that says you become basically a conditional resident. and you have to continue in agricultural work for I think something like eight additional years to maintain your status.

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